Electronica Shanghai

LED 驱动器 driver

LEDs 已经成为主流的照明光源,因为它们在许多方面优于传统的白炽灯和霓虹灯。这些优势包括了: 效率更高、可靠性更好、寿命更长、尺寸更小和更快的开关能力。对于 LED 照明来说,恒定电流功率调节器是必需的。因为 LED 的输入电压就算是增加 10%,就可能造成 LED 电流加倍,而增加 LED 损坏的高风险。在选择 LED 照明驱动器时,选择适当功率拓扑线路和灵活的调光控制,这两个会是主要考虑因素。

LEDs have become the standard lighting source due to numerous advantages over traditional incandescent and arc-gas lamps. These advantages include higher efficiency, improved reliability, longer lifetimes, smaller sizes, and faster switching capabilities. For LED illumination, a constant-current regulator is essential. This is because the current of a high-power LED can double with just a 10% increase in voltage, posing a high risk of LED damage. When selecting LED illumination drivers, the topology of the power stage and flexible dimming control are two primary considerations.

TSC 提供了线性调节和PWM 调节模式,可操作在交流转直流或直流转直流的架构下,封装样式则有: MSOP-10, SOT-26 等可供在车用或其他应用设计参考。例如 TS19503 是一款连续导通模式电感降压转换器,设计用于驱动单一或多个 LED。输入电源工作范围在 4.5V 至 75V 之间。提供外部可调的高精度输出电流,最高达 2A。根据电源电压和外部零件的选择,TS19503 可以提供超过 25 瓦的输出功率。

TSC provides linear and switching LED drivers for automotive and other applications. There are topologies in AC-DC, and DC-DC with different packages: MSOP-10, SOT-26, etc. For example, The TS19503 is a continuous conduction mode hysteretic buck converter, designed for driving single or multiple LEDs. It operates from an input supply between 4.5V and 75V. It provides a high-accuracy output current externally adjustable up to 2A. Depending upon the supply voltage and external components, the TS19503 can provide more than 25 watts of output power.

TSC Product

  • AC-DC, DC-DC, Linear, Automotive
  • Package: MSOP-10, SOT-26

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